


  1.  These are cold-blooded vertebrates.
  2.  Skin is smooth or rough, rich in glands
  3. Skin is with large numbers of mucus glands
  4.  Limbs with webbed digits
  5.  Red blood cells are biconvex, oval, and nucleated.
  6. Three-chambered heart, with two auricles, and one ventricle.
  7.  gills are present in tadpole stage  
  8.  Eggs with gelatinous covering, usually laid in water.
  9.  The larva passes through the aquatic stage before metamorphosing into an adult.

Phylum Chordata (Notochord is present, Dorsal tubular nerve   cord.)
Sub-phylum – Vertebrata (Vertebral column is present)
Class – Amphibia (cold-blooded, aquatic and terrestrial, skin moist)
Order – Apoda (Burrowing vermiform, without limbs& girdles.)
Genus – Ichthyophis
Species - glutinosa


 1. Ichthyophis is a burrowing elongated & eel-type animal.
2. Ichthyophis is a burrowing elongated & eel type of animal.
2. It measures up to 30 cm in length.
3. The colour of body is dark brown or bluish-black with a yellow band along the side.
4. Fertilization is external.
5. Completely aquatic.

      Phylum –Chordata (Notochord is present, Dorsal tubular nerve   cord.)
      Sub-phylum – Vertebrata (Vertebral column is present)
      Class – Amphibia ( cold blooded, aquatic and terrestrial, skin moist)
      Order – Anura (Tail less animal)
      Genus – Rana
      Species – tigrina       

   Characters –

1.It is commonly called as bull frog
2. Body is green with black patches
 3. Head is flat & more or less triangular
 4. eyes are large with eyelid &      nictating membrane.
5. A pair of tympanum lie behind eyes
6. Carnivorous, feeding small worms, snails, aquatic insects.           


Phylum –        Chordata (Notochord is present, Dorsal tubular nerve   cord.)
Sub-phylum – Vertebrata (Vertebral column is present)
Class –            Amphibia ( cold blooded, aquatic and terrestrial, skin is moist)
Order –          Anura (Tail less animal)
Genus –          Bufo     
Species –       melanosticus

1. It is commonly called as a true- toad.
2. Skin is rough, dry, and watery on the dorsal surface of the body.
3. Eyes are large & nostrils are very small.
4. Tympanum is very well developed.
5. Paired parotid glands are present behind the tympanum, 
These secrete a poisonous fluid that is irritating.
6. Fore limb bears three webless fingers & a thumb pad.
7. Hind limb has three toes with a greatly reduced web.
Phylum Chordata (Notochord is present, Dorsal tubular nerve   cord.)
Sub-phylum – Vertebrata (Vertebral column is present)
Class – Amphibia ( cold blooded, aquatic and terrestrial, skin moist)
Order – Apoda (Burrowing vermiform, without limbs& girdles.)
Genus – Ichthyophis
Species - glutinosa

1. Salamandra is commonly known as European fire salamander & terrestrial in habit.
2. Body is lizard-like in appearance. The colour is black with yellow spots.
3. Limbs are well-developed & strong. 
The tail is cylindrical.
4. Eyelids are movable. The tympanic membrane or middle ear is absent.
5. Teeth are present on both jaws.
6. Young ones born having the external gills & metamorphosis takes place later.

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